
Tyler's Roadtrip to Town House Grille

Tyler Teass cooks at Red Hen and maintains a really nice blog he calls "A New Mountain Cookery." He is a native of Roanoke, Virginia and a 2008 graduate of the University of Virginia.

Last week he and his mom drove down to Chilhowie for a meal at the Town House Grill. If you think Lexington is an out-of-the-way little hamlet, just think about where Chilhowie is. It's not exactly the backside of nowhere, but you can see it from there. Anyway, the food was spectacular, and Tyler provides photos and vivid descriptions on his blog. Here's an example:

"On to dessert. Reading the menu description, one has to stop and think for a moment in order to figure out if the dish will taste good. It's the Barry Bonds of apple crisps...on steroids and amazingly good, yet completely unapologetic for being the way that it is because it is so much better than anything else. This dish was awesome. So many times desserts are just piles of sweetness, but this had such a nice balance of tartness, sweetness, and richness that it really hit on every single note."

Tyler's going to be a great chef or a great food writer. Maybe both.